Tuesday, April 5, 2011

UMDF Annual Mito Meeting - Morgan's Wonderland

What a fantastic weekend!  Friday we arrived at the lake and it was warm, Trace was overheated almost immediately.  We couldn't let him go outside at all.  This is the first time Trace has exhibited heat intolerance, which makes me worry about summer.  He's always been cold intolerant, but at least he could stand to be outside in the summer.  So inside for Trace watching movies - which he didn't seem to mind at all.  He loves his Disney movies.  He did get to go on a ride in the Kubota early evening with Bebe, Boompa & Sis - he seemed to tolerate the heat a little better.  Thomas & I stayed back to relax on the porch and have a drink - so nice!

Saturday we headed out to the Mito Meeting at Morgan's Wonderland.  The weather was cloudy & cooler, so thankful.  It is a really amazing place.  Trace had so much fun that he was exhausted by the time the meeting even started.  The meeting went well and I was able to meet a couple of people I've been wanting to for some time.  We arrived back at the lake and Trace slept till about 5:00.  After his nap we went for a ride on the boat, which Trace loved!  He drove, pushed every button he could, hung over the edge to feel the water (fearless) and went back and forth too many times to count.  It really brought tears to my eyes to see him so happy.  Sometimes it just hits me - the thought of him one day not being able to do something which makes him so happy just kills me. 

Trace loved the horse! 

The sensory room amazed me & Trace 

Trace was excited about the carasoul,
until it started moving, then I think it made him dizzy

Water is always a favorite of my mister's

Thomas, Bebe, Peyton, Me & Trace ready to ride the Train.
Trace was tired at this point, as you can see.

Sunday left the lake early and came home so Trace could rest.  He slept for a few hours that afternoon and we worked on Peyton's bug collection.  It wasn't too hard to find them considering where we live.  It was kind of gross to me, especially when they're pinned to a board sitting on my kitchen island. 

I can't say enough what a wonderful family weekend this was - can't wait to do it again.

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